Student Testing
Students at Chesterbrook are assessed in many areas throughout the year. Parents will receive a notification letter about the testing their child will have as well as the results of each test.
Some of the Virginia and Fairfax County assessments that our students take are:
- iReady Universal Screener for math and reading for 1-6 students
- Grades 3-6 Standards of Learning (SOL) tests and eCART tests
- Kindergarten Math Reasoning Assessments
- Grades K-6 Passage Ready Fluency Assessment
- WIDA for ESOL students
- Naglieri for grade 1 students
- CogAT for grade 2 students
- VGA for 3-6 students
SOL Tests
The state of Virginia has established achievement tests that are administered at the end of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades to measure the mastery of the curriculum. The Standards of Learning Tests (SOLs) test students in the areas of reading, writing, math, history and science. Please plan around the dates that will be scheduled (sometime from early May to early June) so that your child is available during the testing timeframe.
- Grade 3 – Reading and Math
- Grade 4 – Reading and Math
- Grade 5 – Science, Reading, and Math
- Grade 6 – Reading and Math