CES Weekly Update 3.26.2025

GovDelivery2 days 6 hours ago

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We Rocked Our Socks for Downs Syndrome Awareness Day! Principal's Message

Dear Parents,

This school year, I am under a summative evaluation process and welcome your feedback on aspects of my leadership as the principal of Chesterbrook.

On Monday, March 24, you should have received an email with a link to the FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the Performance Evaluation Program and provides an opportunity for you to share anonymous feedback on key aspects of our school, including:

• Instructional leadership
• School climate
• Management (human resources and organizational)
• Communication and community relations
• Culturally responsive and equitable leadership
• Professionalism

The questionnaire will be open March 24 – April 4 and will be collected online. When you receive an email from [email protected], please take a few minutes to complete it.

Your feedback is important and helps shape the future of our school. I appreciate your feedback and time to complete this survey.


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Important Upcoming Dates

Monday, March 31st - No School; Eid Al Fitr

April is Month of the Military Child

Tuesday, April 1 - Rising Kindergarten Orientation 10AM - 12PM
*Spread the word for our new kinder families!

Wednesday, April 2nd - Rising 7th Grade Student and Parent Panel at Chesterbrook (more info below)

Thursday, April 3rd - PTA Meeting 9:15am in Cafeteria

Week of April 7th - Assistant Principal's Week

Tuesday, April 8th - Spirit Day Wear Red, White and Blue to celebrate our Military Families

Wednesday, April 9th - Purple Up to Celebrate our Military Children

Friday, April 10th - Wear your Favorite Jersey to Celebrate Teamwork across our Military Branches

April 14th - 18th - No School; Spring Break

Tuesday, April 22nd - Bus Driver Appreciation Day

Wednesday, April 23rd - Administrative Professionals Day

Tuesday, April 29th - Spring Concerts, Cafeteria; Choir 6 PM, Band 6:30 PM, and Strings at 7 PM

SAVE THE DATE:  6th Grade Promotion - Monday, June 9th at 5PM

FCPS 2024-25 School Year Calendar 

Walking & Biking Safety Survey Due 4/4

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the safety of walking and biking routes, as well as Kiss & Ride areas, we have been conducting an annual traffic and pedestrian safety assessment.

FCPS values community and parent involvement in initiatives like this, and your input is essential in shaping improvements that directly impact our students’ safety. We kindly ask you to complete a short survey to share your concerns and feedback on this important initiative.

Please access the survey using the following link: Survey Link

We appreciate your time and insights and kindly request all responses be submitted by April 4th. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to working together to improve safety for all students.

April is Month of the
Military Child

April celebrates the children of our military service men and women. Military Child Spirit Week will be celebrated from April 7th - 11th. Some of the schoolwide activities we scheduled include:

  • April 8th is wear Red White & Blue
  • 9th is Purple Up Day
  • 10th is Jersey Day 
Family Resource Center's April Workshops 

Understand Executive Function Milestones, Challenges, & Implement Effective Strategies at Home for Adolescents in High School - Discover how to support your child’s executive function skills in our webinar series. We will present information on understanding your child’s developmental milestones, recognizing signs of executive dysfunction, and implementing effective strategies to support their learning at home and in school.

April 4, 10- 11:30  A.M.           
Register here

The Role of Boundaries in Teen Development - Join Dr. Jain, as she supporting families to understand the importance of Boundaries, model healthy boundaries, and navigate social and digital boundaries.

April 25, 10 - 11:30 A.M.
Register here

REMINDERS Rising 7th Grade Longfellow Lancer Families!

Please join our Chesterbrook families for an informative and engaging Parent & Student Panel on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in the Chesterbrook cafeteria.  You will hear from current Longfellow students and that came from Chesterbrook Elementary along with Longfellow administration. They will share what to expect as you transition to 7th grade such as classes, homework, clubs and activities, making new friends, and managing lockers. Parents will also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about resources available to support their child's transition to middle school. This is a fantastic chance to get a head start and ease any anxieties about the exciting journey ahead. We look forward to seeing you there!

It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Kindergarten Orientation will be held April 1st at 10AM! Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage.

Check out the Pre-K/Kindergarten Toolkit for more messages on preparing for school. 

Additional Chesterbrook specific information can be found on our webpage.

CES Preschool Peer Model Enrollment Interest 

Our Preschool hours for this year are Monday - Friday as follows:
AM Preschool 9:20 am - 12:40 pm; PM Preschool 12:45 pm – 4:05 pm 

If you are interested in expressing interest in Chesterbrook’s Community Peers Program, please complete this google form.

2025 - 2026 School Year Planning Intent to Not Return for the 25-26 School Year

If you are NOT planning to return to Chesterbrook or Longfellow MS next school year, please complete this intent form letting us know of your plans.

Parent Input for 25-26 Class Placement

Parents that wish to contribute information towards class placements for the new school year, may submit this information on this form. 

PLEASE NOTE 2nd grade input forms due 4/4!

No requests for a specific teacher may be made. These requests will be deleted. Our teachers know your students well and a lot goes into building great classes for the new year. 

Completion of the form is optional, however, the deadline for submission is April 25th (exception is current 2nd grade due 4/4). Thank you for your partnership.

We will resend this form to parents of rising kindergarteners over the summer. Kindergarten class placement takes place in August when we have completed our pre-assessments of all students.

Yearbook Sales Are Open!

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook 2024-25 Yearbook 

School Code 24891

Chesterbrook PTA Information

Summer Quest Camp Registration is Open
3 Weeks of Camps Running from July 7 - 25th 
Click here to check camps and register

'Denim and Diamonds' Parent Social April 5th 7 - 10PM
Northside Social Falls Church
Event will offer opportunities to fundraise and support our classrooms
Click here to purchase tickets or find more information

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

FCPS This Week

Student Achievements | Art in our Schools Month | Celebrating Students Setting Positive Examples

Quick Links

Educate FairfaxFamily AcademyFCPS CARES | FCPS News | Job Openings | Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information | School Year Calendar | SIS ParentVUE

Community Conversations

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

Chesterbrook Yearbook Photos Needed

GovDelivery4 days 16 hours ago

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Call for Yearbook Photos

Parents, if you have supported field trips or grade level events, we need your school photos!  Due this week by Wednesday 3/26!

The '24-'25 yearbook design is underway and we would love to get your photos!  Ideal photos for the yearbook:

  • feature identifiable faces (not just backs and/or tops of heads);
  • include 3-5 students;
  • do not include students making hand gestures; and
  • are taken only at school sponsored events

Here are the links for uploading: 

Kindergarten: https://smugmug.com/upload/dZQ5td/kindergarten

1st Grade: https://www.smugmug.com/upload/WZ39MD/1st

2nd Grade: https://www.smugmug.com/upload/FWtZwN/2nd

3rd Grade: https://www.smugmug.com/upload/H3PzRL/3rd

4th Grade: https://www.smugmug.com/upload/pRzR2D/4th

5th Grade: https://www.smugmug.com/upload/5cHC9K/5th

6th Grade: https://smugmug.com/upload/8zVvnt/6th

Preschool: https://www.smugmug.com/upload/WHKJwz/PS

General (mixed grades, staff, etc.): https://smugmug.com/upload/N3jbPP/general

Yearbook Sales - Deadline is approaching!

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook 2024-25 Yearbook 

School Code 24891


1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

CES Weekly Update 3.18.2025

GovDelivery1 week 3 days ago

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Resending with corrected link for the 2025-26 Parent Input Form

Click here to access form

Principal's Message

This is the time of year as we are planning for a strong year end, we also begin to plan for next school year. Please take time to read through this newsletter and provide us requested information if you are planning to move or would like to put in parent input for class placements next year. 

This week we have two opportunities for spirit days, Dressy Dress Up day on Thursday for our school photos and Odd Sock day on Friday to show support for Down Syndrome Awareness.  

I have also included information on last week's parent coffee with slides and a book recommendation for our community. I hope you will take a few minutes to take a look at this information. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Important Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, March 18th - Last Day Book Fair 11 - 3:30;
Craft Night and Captain Cookie and the Milkman 5 - 7:30PM 

Thursday, March 20th - Spring Picture Day; Dressy Dress Up Day

Friday, March 21st - World Down's Syndrome Day - Show your support by Wearing Odd Socks to Raise Awareness 

Monday, March 31st - No School; Eid Al Fitr

Tuesday, April 1 - Rising Kindergarten Orientation 10AM - 12PM
*Spread the word for our new kinder families!

Wednesday, April 2 - Rising 7th Student and Parent Longfellow Panel at Chesterbrook (more info below)

SAVE THE DATE:  6th Grade Promotion - Monday June 9th 5PM

FCPS 2024-25 School Year Calendar 

Principal Coffee Information from 3/13

It was wonderful to meet with so many families during our Principal Coffee last Thursday following the PTA Meeting.  You will find the slides here. 

During this meeting, Principal Kirkpatrick also recommended a book read, "The Anxious Generation." Bill Gates shares his take on the book in this article. 

March in the Library

We are excited to celebrate Read Across America this month in the library with some fun events.

Book Fair- Tuesday, March 18th we will be hosting a craft night. Come and try out some of the craft activities from the books offered at this year’s book fair and stop by Captain Cookie and the Milkman food truck for a delicious ice cream sandwich.

Battle of the Books
We will also be hosting a Battle of the Books competition where classes will vote for their favorite picture book. Ask your child if they have a favorite Virginia Readers’ Choice picture book? Finally, we will be offering a Bingo Board Challenge this month that can be picked up in the library. Students can complete different reading challenges and turn in their boards at the end of the month to receive a prize. We hope everyone finds something fun to do in the library this month!

Rising 7th Grade Longfellow Lancer Families!

Please join our Chesterbrook families for an informative and engaging Parent & Student Panel on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in the  Chesterbrook cafeteria.  You will hear from current Longfellow students and that came from Chesterbrook Elementary along with Longfellow administration. They will share what to expect as you transition to 7th grade such as classes, homework, clubs and activities, making new friends, and managing lockers. Parents will also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about resources available to support their child's transition to middle school. This is a fantastic chance to get a head start and ease any anxieties about the exciting journey ahead. We look forward to seeing you there!

World Down Syndrome Day - March 21st

In 2013, the theme of Wearing Odd Socks was initiated to raise awareness. The date being the 21st day of the 3rd month was chosen to represent the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

  • Chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.
  • People all over the world wear colorful, attractive, crazy socks on WDSD to get noticed.
  • From the USA to Australia, the unique talents and abilities of people with Down syndrome are celebrated.
  • Students and Staff are encouraged to wear brightly colored socks, mismatched socks, long socks, printed socks, one sock. Maybe even three socks, one for each chromosome
It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Kindergarten Orientation will be held April 1st at 10AM! Registering your child early helps us prepare and ensure we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage.

Additional Chesterbrook specific information can be found on our webpage.

CES Preschool Peer Model Enrollment Interest 

The CES peer inclusion model program will invite a limited number of community preschoolers (must be at least 4 years old by September 30th) to participate in our daily AM or PM preschool program. 

Our Preschool hours for this year are Monday - Friday as follows:
AM Preschool 9:20 am - 12:40 pm; PM Preschool 12:45 pm – 4:05 pm 

If you are interested in expressing interest in Chesterbrook’s Community Peers Program, please complete this google form.

Please reach out to Assistant Principal, Lara Macdonald ([email protected]) with any questions and also to indicate your interest in the program for your preschool aged child.  

2025 - 2026 School Year Planning Intent to Not Return for the 25-26 School Year

If you are NOT planning to return to Chesterbrook or Longfellow MS next school year, please complete this intent form letting us know of your plans.

Parent Input for 25-26 Class Placement

Parents that wish to contribute information towards class placements for the new school year, may submit this information on this form. 

No requests for a specific teacher may be made. These requests will be deleted. Our teachers know your students well and a lot goes into building great classes for the new year. 

Completion of the form is optional, however, the deadline for submission is April 25th. Thank you for your partnership.

We will resend this form to parents of rising kindergarteners over the summer. Kindergarten class placement takes place in August when we have completed our pre-assessments of all students.

Yearbook Sales Are Open!

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook 2024-25 Yearbook 

School Code 24891

Chesterbrook PTA Information

Summer Quest Camp Registration is Open
3 Weeks of Camps Running from July 7 - 25th 
Click here to check camps and register

'Denim and Diamonds' Parent Social April 5th 7 - 10PM
Northside Social Falls Church
Event will offer opportunities to fundraise and support our classrooms
Click here to purchase tickets or find more information

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

FCPS This Week

🛑 Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms
Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

Quick Links

Educate FairfaxFamily AcademyFCPS CARES | FCPS News | Job Openings | Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information | School Year Calendar | SIS ParentVUE

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

CES Weekly Update 3.18.2025

GovDelivery1 week 3 days ago

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Principal's Message

This is the time of year as we are planning for a strong year end, we also begin to plan for next school year. Please take time to read through this newsletter and provide us requested information if you are planning to move or would like to put in parent input for class placements next year. 

This week we have two opportunities for spirit days, Dressy Dress Up day on Thursday for our school photos and Odd Sock day on Friday to show support for Down Syndrome Awareness.  

I have also included information on last week's parent coffee with slides and a book recommendation for our community. I hope you will take a few minutes to take a look at this information. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Important Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, March 18th - Last Day Book Fair 11 - 3:30;
Craft Night and Captain Cookie and the Milkman 5 - 7:30PM 

Thursday, March 20th - Spring Picture Day; Dressy Dress Up Day

Friday, March 21st - World Down's Syndrome Day - Show your support by Wearing Odd Socks to Raise Awareness 

Monday, March 31st - No School; Eid Al Fitr

Tuesday, April 1 - Rising Kindergarten Orientation 10AM - 12PM
*Spread the word for our new kinder families!

Wednesday, April 2 - Rising 7th Student and Parent Longfellow Panel at Chesterbrook (more info below)

SAVE THE DATE:  6th Grade Promotion - Monday June 9th 5PM

FCPS 2024-25 School Year Calendar 

Principal Coffee Information from 3/13

It was wonderful to meet with so many families during our Principal Coffee last Thursday following the PTA Meeting.  You will find the slides here. 

During this meeting, Principal Kirkpatrick also recommended a book read, "The Anxious Generation." Bill Gates shares his take on the book in this article. 

March in the Library

We are excited to celebrate Read Across America this month in the library with some fun events.

Book Fair- Tuesday, March 18th we will be hosting a craft night. Come and try out some of the craft activities from the books offered at this year’s book fair and stop by Captain Cookie and the Milkman food truck for a delicious ice cream sandwich.

Battle of the Books
We will also be hosting a Battle of the Books competition where classes will vote for their favorite picture book. Ask your child if they have a favorite Virginia Readers’ Choice picture book? Finally, we will be offering a Bingo Board Challenge this month that can be picked up in the library. Students can complete different reading challenges and turn in their boards at the end of the month to receive a prize. We hope everyone finds something fun to do in the library this month!

Rising 7th Grade Longfellow Lancer Families!

Please join our Chesterbrook families for an informative and engaging Parent & Student Panel on Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:00 p.m. in the  Chesterbrook cafeteria.  You will hear from current Longfellow students and that came from Chesterbrook Elementary along with Longfellow administration. They will share what to expect as you transition to 7th grade such as classes, homework, clubs and activities, making new friends, and managing lockers. Parents will also have the opportunity to ask questions and learn about resources available to support their child's transition to middle school. This is a fantastic chance to get a head start and ease any anxieties about the exciting journey ahead. We look forward to seeing you there!

World Down Syndrome Day - March 21st

In 2013, the theme of Wearing Odd Socks was initiated to raise awareness. The date being the 21st day of the 3rd month was chosen to represent the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

  • Chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.
  • People all over the world wear colorful, attractive, crazy socks on WDSD to get noticed.
  • From the USA to Australia, the unique talents and abilities of people with Down syndrome are celebrated.
  • Students and Staff are encouraged to wear brightly colored socks, mismatched socks, long socks, printed socks, one sock. Maybe even three socks, one for each chromosome
It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Kindergarten Orientation will be held April 1st at 10AM! Registering your child early helps us prepare and ensure we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage.

Additional Chesterbrook specific information can be found on our webpage.

CES Preschool Peer Model Enrollment Interest 

The CES peer inclusion model program will invite a limited number of community preschoolers (must be at least 4 years old by September 30th) to participate in our daily AM or PM preschool program. 

Our Preschool hours for this year are Monday - Friday as follows:
AM Preschool 9:20 am - 12:40 pm; PM Preschool 12:45 pm – 4:05 pm 

If you are interested in expressing interest in Chesterbrook’s Community Peers Program, please complete this google form.

Please reach out to Assistant Principal, Lara Macdonald ([email protected]) with any questions and also to indicate your interest in the program for your preschool aged child.  

2025 - 2026 School Year Planning Intent to Not Return for the 25-26 School Year

If you are NOT planning to return to Chesterbrook or Longfellow MS next school year, please complete this intent form letting us know of your plans.

Parent Input for 25-26 Class Placement

Parents that wish to contribute information towards class placements for the new school year, may submit this information on this form

No requests for a specific teacher may be made. These requests will be deleted. Our teachers know your students well and a lot goes into building great classes for the new year. 

Completion of the form is optional, however, the deadline for submission is April 25th. Thank you for your partnership.

We will resend this form to parents of rising kindergarteners over the summer. Kindergarten class placement takes place in August when we have completed our pre-assessments of all students.

Yearbook Sales Are Open!

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook 2024-25 Yearbook 

School Code 24891

Chesterbrook PTA Information

Summer Quest Camp Registration is Open
3 Weeks of Camps Running from July 7 - 25th 
Click here to check camps and register

'Denim and Diamonds' Parent Social April 5th 7 - 10PM
Northside Social Falls Church
Event will offer opportunities to fundraise and support our classrooms
Click here to purchase tickets or find more information

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

FCPS This Week

🛑 Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms
Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

Quick Links

Educate FairfaxFamily AcademyFCPS CARES | FCPS News | Job Openings | Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information | School Year Calendar | SIS ParentVUE

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

CES Weekly Update 3.10.2025

GovDelivery2 weeks 3 days ago

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Principal's Message

This week we adjust to daylight savings time and welcome warmer temperatures and sunshine. It is wonderful to transition to warmer days of outdoor recess as our students continue to dive into learning this quarter.

Our next PTA meeting is Thursday at 9:15. I'm hoping that many of you will join us as we share updates for many upcoming spring events in our school community as well as take time to focus on the safety across our school community. See more information below on important topics. We need your support and partnership in this work. 

We had many Chesterbrook artists showcase their work last Thursday evening at the McLean Pyramid art show opening. Thank you for Mrs. Lopez for supporting our student creations and helping to set up the show at the community center. The Emerson Gallery at the McLean Community Center will be open for visitors Mondays through Saturdays until March 15th from 10am-4pm. For more information: https://mpaart.org/

For our next early release on 3/17, it will help us greatly if parents make their decision this week if your children will stay after or be released at 12:35. It is critical that any changes go through pick up patrol. Last time we had many parents emailing or sending talking points to teachers, which creates many end of the day issues. Students may not ride different buses home with other children but may be picked up by the parent supervising in the afternoon. We ask that parents ONLY use pick up patrol for any last minute changes by 11AM. This will allow us to ensure the safety of each child in our care. 


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Important Upcoming Dates

Thursday, March 13th - PTA Meeting 9:15 AM with a Principal Coffee Focus on Safety; Book Fair daily from 3/13 to 3/18

Friday, March 14th - PTA Pi Night 6pm-8pm

Monday, March 17th - 3 hour early release

Friday, March 21st - World Down's Syndrome Day - Show your support by Wearing Odd Socks to Raise Awareness

Monday, March 31st - No School


Tuesday, April 1 - Rising Kindergarten Orientation 10AM - 12PM
*Spread the word for our new kinder families!

6th Grade Promotion - Monday June 9th 5PM

FCPS 2024-25 School Year Calendar 

PTA Meeting Thursday Including Safety Focus with Principal Kirkpatrick - 3/13 9:15 AM

Please join us for our PTA Meeting on Thursday which will also include a safety focus. Mrs. Kirkpatrick will share updates on building safety such as cameras and vestibule requests and go over response protocol for threat assessments and how we can work together to support our school community. 

March in the Library

We are excited to celebrate Read Across America this month in the library with some fun events.

Book Fair
Thursday, March 13 - Tuesday, March 18.

Join us on Saturday, March 15th from 9-noon and grab some breakfast along with a new book or two.

Tuesday, March 18th we will be hosting a craft night. Come and try out some of the craft activities from the books offered at this year’s book fair and stop by Captain Cookie and the Milkman food truck for a delicious ice cream sandwich.

Battle of the Books
We will also be hosting a Battle of the Books competition where classes will vote for their favorite picture book. Ask your child if they have a favorite Virginia Readers’ Choice picture book? Finally, we will be offering a Bingo Board Challenge this month that can be picked up in the library. Students can complete different reading challenges and turn in their boards at the end of the month to receive a prize. We hope everyone finds something fun to do in the library this month!

3HR Early Release Monday 3/17

Remember that Monday, March 17th is a three hour early release.  Our students will be dismissed at 12:35 p.m. On the 3 hr early release we will have 30 minute specials for all grades. We will have Strings but no Band class that day.

This week you will receive an email confirming the plan for your child(ren) based on the plan for the last 3 hour early release. If you need to make a change, please submit the change via the Google Form by Thursday, March 13th.  Any last minute, day of changes can be submitted via PUP until 11am.  If you need to pick up your child, please allow us to get the groups settled and then you may come to school and pick them up from the front office at 1PM. 

World Down Syndrome Day - March 21st

In 2013, the theme of Wearing Odd Socks was initiated to raise awareness. The date being the 21st day of the 3rd month was chosen to represent the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome.

  • Chromosomes are shaped “like socks” and people with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome.
  • People all over the world wear colorful, attractive, crazy socks on WDSD to get noticed.
  • From the USA to Australia, the unique talents and abilities of people with Down syndrome are celebrated.
  • Students and Staff are encouraged to wear brightly colored socks, mismatched socks, long socks, printed socks, one sock. Maybe even three socks, one for each chromosome
It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Kindergarten Orientation will be held April 1st at 10AM! Registering your child early helps us prepare and ensure we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage.

Additional Chesterbrook specific information can be found on our webpage.

Preschool Peer Model Enrollment Interest 

We are in the process of registering students to be peer models in Early Childhood Class Based Preschool for next school year. Our program will invite a limited number of community preschoolers, who are age 4-5 years (must be at least 4 years old by September, 30 of school year), to participate in our daily preschool activities. The children from the community will have the opportunity to make new friends and share experiences with current early childhood special education students. Our students will, in turn, benefit from being with community peers who can model appropriate language, motor, and social skills.

The goal of this program is to encourage active learning and promote social interaction and acceptance through shared experiences between the community children and our preschoolers with special needs. 

Our Preschool hours for this year are Monday - Friday as follows:

AM Preschool 9:20 am - 12:40 pm

PM Preschool 12:45 pm – 4:05 pm 

If you are interested in expressing interest in Chesterbrook’s Community Peers Program, please complete this google form.

Please reach out to Assistant Principal, Lara Macdonald ([email protected]) with any questions and also to indicate your interest in the program for your preschool aged child.  

Yearbook Sales Are Open!

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook 2024-25 Yearbook 

Webinar: Click here to Register for Dr. Jonathan Dalton's Parent Series

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

FCPS This Week

A Strong Academic Foundation | 70th Annual Regional Science Fair |
New Breakfast Options

Quick Links

Educate FairfaxFamily AcademyFCPS CARES | FCPS News | Job Openings | Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information | School Year Calendar | SIS ParentVUE

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

CES Weekly Update 2.20.25

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

Principal's Message

We have been busy at Chesterbrook learning and growing! As I visit classrooms, it is exciting to see the growth our students are making. Midyear assessments have showcased the incredible strides our students are making and we have adjusted interventions for those needing additional supports.  This year's theme, "Everyday is a Chance to Grow" is evident in all our Chesterbrook classrooms. Hopefully your child can share a way in which they feel they are growing this school year. 

Over the past two weeks, we have had quite a few opportunities to celebrate learning and share experiences with our families. Thank you for joining us to share in these special events. Kindergarten students celebrated the 100th day last week, first graders showcased their hard work on their Habitat projects this week and our sixth graders visited the Portrait Gallery. Our 2025 Spelling Bee was also held this week. Wow!  The level of talent was incredible. I am so proud of our students for the time, effort and energy they put into preparing for our school spelling bee.

Our 2025-26 school year registration has kicked off! Along with our K-6 grades, Chesterbrook is a site for early childhood special education preschool.  We are currently seeking additional students that would be 4 years old and could enroll as peer models into this program. Peer models would attend the AM or PM program. It is a great way to get your child ready for kindergarten, gain experience with the building and school day and build friendships with other children throughout the year. See more information below. 


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

2025 Chesterbrook Spelling Bee Champion Nathan Gilbert


Runner Up Austin Yue



Important Upcoming Dates

Monday, February 24- Three hour early release Monday- 12:35 dismissal 

Friday, March 7- Harlem Wizards Basketball Game at Langley HS Get Your Tickets Today

Save the Dates

Rising Kindergarten Orientation - April 1st 10AM - 12PM

Chesterbrook PTA Parent Social - April 5th

6th Grade Promotion - Monday June 9th 5PM

FCPS 2024-25 School Year Calendar 

Common Sense Education Digital Citizen Resources for Families

Chesterbrook has earned Common Sense Education recognition for a number of years. We pride ourselves in supporting the tech literacy and digital citizenship skills of our students. We want to partner with you and share resources as you support your child(ren) with safe and positive technology use. 

3HR Early Release Monday 2/24

Remember that next Monday, February 24th is a three hour early release.  Our students will be dismissed at 12:35 p.m. On the 3 hr early release we will have 30 minute specials for all grades. We will have Strings but no Band class that day.

A couple weeks ago, you should have received an email asking you to confirm you plans for your child(ren). We ask that no changes be made to your plan at this time, since we have actively starting grouping and making plans for support. If you need to pick up your child, please allow us to get the groups settled and then you may come to school and pick them up at 1PM. 

🏀Don't Miss Out! Tickets on Sale! Join us at the Harlem Wizards Basketball Game

Langley High School Friday, March 7th 7-9 p.m. Get Your Tickets Today

Get your tickets now for a community-building event featuring the Harlem Wizards on March 7th at Langley High School! FSES is partnering with other McLean elementary schools and our FCPS teachers will take on the Harlem Wizards in a fun and wild basketball game. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the PTA. Purchase your tickets today to reserve your spot at the game. We anticipate this event will sell out, so grab your tickets early!

It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Kindergarten Orientation will be held April 1st at 10AM! Registering your child early helps us prepare and ensure we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. Families should prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms on the FCPS kindergarten registration webpage.

Additional Chesterbrook specific information can be found on our webpage.

Preschool Peer Model Enrollment Interest 

We are in the process of registering students to be peer models in Early Childhood Class Based Preschool for next school year. Our program will invite a limited number of community preschoolers, who are age 4-5 years (must be at least 4 years old by September, 30 of school year), to participate in our daily preschool activities. The children from the community will have the opportunity to make new friends and share experiences with current early childhood special education students. Our students will, in turn, benefit from being with community peers who can model appropriate language, motor, and social skills.

The goal of this program is to encourage active learning and promote social interaction and acceptance through shared experiences between the community children and our preschoolers with special needs. 

Our Preschool hours for this year are Monday - Friday as follows:

AM Preschool 9:20 am - 12:40 pm

PM Preschool 12:45 pm – 4:05 pm 

If you are interested in expressing interest in Chesterbrook’s Community Peers Program, please complete this google form.

Please reach out to Assistant Principal, Lara Macdonald ([email protected]) with any questions and also to indicate your interest in the program for your preschool aged child.  

Yearbook Sales Are Open!

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook 2024-25 Yearbook 


Yearbook Cover Contest Entries Due Friday, February 21st

🥗Student Fasting Meal Kits for Feb 28 - Mar 28

Thanks to a new program from the Virginia Department of Education, students who are fasting during the school day between February 28 and March 28 can now take school meal kits home at the end of the day.

Families will need to fill out a weekly Fasting Meals Request Form for their child or children to receive school meal kits. A separate form must be filled out for each week and each student.

To receive meal kits for Friday, February 28, and the week of March 3, please submit the first request form by Monday, February 24. Visit the FNS webpage for more information, including weekly request forms and deadlines.

Webinar: Click here to Register for Dr. Jonathan Dalton's Parent Series

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

FCPS This Week

Flu Prevention | Students Spread Joy | Investing in our Classrooms

Quick Links

Educate FairfaxFamily AcademyFCPS CARES | FCPS News | Job Openings | Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information | School Year Calendar | SIS ParentVUE

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

Essay Contest - Washington Caps Writing in Your Schools Program

GovDelivery1 month 1 week ago

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Chesterbrook Families,

This essay contest is open to grades 1 – 5.  A winner from grades 1-5 and one from 6-8 in the DMV area will be selected. We hope some of our Chesterbrook students will complete for a chance to win.

Submit Your Essay Today

Caps in School presented by KPMG is launching the 2025 Writing Program and submissions are now open until Friday, February 28th. This exciting program is a great opportunity for your students to enhance their writing skills, build confidence, and express their creativity.

The Writing Program invites students ages 14 and under to submit essays of up to 500 words. By participating, students can refine their writing abilities while exploring meaningful topics that inspire reflection and community engagement. Each student may submit only one essay, which must be submitted by a parent or legal guardian. Students can choose from the following prompts:

  1. The Washington Capitals believe it’s important to give back to the DMV community. How can young people make a positive difference in their own community?
  2. Caps players understand the importance of perseverance and hard work. Think about your own life. Is there someone in your life that motivates you to work hard and never give up?

One winner will be selected from grades 1-5 and one winner will be chosen from grades 6-8. They will receive an exclusive Capitals swag bag and two tickets to a 2025-26 regular season home game—a memorable reward for their hard work and creativity! We encourage you to share this opportunity with your students and their families. For more information about the program and submission guidelines, visit www.washcaps.com/capsinschool.

Questions? Reach out to the Caps in School team at [email protected].

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

Chesterbrook Weekly Update 2.2.2025

GovDelivery1 month 3 weeks ago

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Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, February 4th - Club Photos; Report cards available in ParentVue

Thursday, February 6th - 2nd Quarter Report Cards home in Thursday Folders

Tuesday, February 11th - Chesterbrook Spelling Bee Afterschool

Monday, February 17- President's Day Holiday- No school 

Monday, February 24- Three hour early release Monday 

Save the Dates

Rising Kindergarten Orientation - April 1st 10AM - 12PM

Chesterbrook PTA Parent Social - April 5th

6th Grade Promotion - Monday June 9th 5PM

2024-25 FCPS School Calendar

Principal's Message

As we enter the 2nd semester of the year, it has been great to reflect on the progress our students have made. We are keeping a pulse on student progress and digging into midyear data assessments as they wrap up. In an effort to inform parents of their child's growth in a timely manner, I plan to pull together data to provide parents an update after this window closes on February 7th. 

We are scheduled for our next early release on Monday, February 24th. We will work off the plan from our last early release and email parents this coming week to confirm. You will ONLY need to complete the google form if your child's afterschool plan will change. If you have questions about the early release plan, please reach out to family liaison, Andrea Adamson at [email protected].

Looking forward to a February with more consistency and settling into the 3rd quarter! Thank you for your continued support. 

Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Celebrating Counselor Appreciation Week & our Mental Health Professionals This Week

We use School Counselor Appreciation week to celebrate our Mental Health Professional Team. 

School Counselor, Heather Lomelin (center)

School Psychologist, Dr. Hannah Sugarman (right)

School Social Worker, Maria Mahoney (left)

We welcome families to share their appreciation and help us honor the work of our school professional team this week. The work they support in our school is critical to our student success. I encourage you to reach out and share your words of appreciation if their work has impacted your student(s) or family. 

Spirit Week Feb 10-14 "Spread the LOVE" week 

Feb 10 – Rainbow by Grades - Every grade wears a different color Yellow-K, Pink -1st, Orange 2nd, Purple 3rd, Green 4th, Blue 5th, White out 6th. 

Feb 11 - Mismatched Day - with Valentine colors

Feb 12 - "Heart Hair, Don’t Care" Day wear crazy hairstyles or Valentine-themed hair accessories (like heart headbands or red/pink bows).

Feb 13 PJ Day Come to school in cozy pajamas to celebrate “self-love” and relaxation

Feb 14 - Valentine’s Day Colors - White, Pink, Red, and Purple

Chesterbrook Yearbook Sales Kick Off

Click Here to Order Chesterbrook
2024-25 Yearbook 

This is our first posting for yearbook sales, so place your order now and take it off your to do list!

Yearbook Cover Contest
Entries Due Friday, February 21st

Calling all CES artists to help us make our yearbook a special treasure with a beautiful, creative piece of artwork.
See below for details.

Nominations: Advisory Committee for Students With Disabilities Seeks Nominations for First-Class Awards

First-Class Awards are presented each year to individuals who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate the inclusion efforts of educators, administrators, and students who demonstrate the inclusion of students with disabilities in all facets of education. 

Nominees should model excellence in their role relative to special education, have a positive impact that benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike, and be committed to creating an inclusive environment and mindset.

Nominate an administrator, staff member, student, or community partner who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools. Nominations close Wednesday, February 19.

REMINDERS Kiss N Ride Procedures

No Drop Off on Kirby
Students may not be dropped off or picked up on Kirby road, in front of the school or side streets. Parents are welcome to park and walk their child to the sidewalk using crosswalks. Do not walk across the grass where buses are pulling in and out.

Kiss N Ride entrance and exit is a right turn only

KISS AND RIDE times, 8:30 - 8:50 and 3:35 - 3:50, we ask that parents either use the pool parking lot to or a legal and safe U turn on Kirby road. Please do not U-Turn on top of the cross walk area to keep this area safe for walkers.

Pickup is expedited with your name tag clearly visible.  If you need a tag, please complete this form and we will get one to you. 

Pick Up Patrol

As a reminder, Pick Up Patrol (PUP) should be used to report late arrival, full day absence, leave/return and early dismissal and end of the day changes.  Here are instructions to help navigate PUP. Plan changes can be entered for multiple dates, such as an afterschool activity.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors.  View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Andrea Adamson at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Save the Date TJ Techstgravaganza 2025

Techstravaganza is a free, public, hands-on STEM activity fair for elementary and middle school students in Northern Virginia. 

Admission is free.

Registration Link

More Info

FCPS Information Virginia Student Assessment Summary for Families

This month, families of students who took any Standards of Learning (SOL) test between school years 2015-16 and 2023-24 will receive a Student Assessment Summary Report. Reports are available now in SIS ParentVUE Documents. 

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

FCPS Cares

The FCPS CARES Program allows parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees who go above and beyond to help others and show they care about their students, colleagues, and the community.

We invite you to submit a story about a Chesterbrook staff member to acknowledge the great work of an FCPS employee or group of employees who should receive FCPS CARES recognition.

Information from the Parent Resource Center 

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

 FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • FY 2026 Proposed Budget
  • Student-Driven Lunch Menus
  • Inclusion Awards Nominations

If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

Chesterbrook Weekly Update 1.21.2025

GovDelivery2 months 1 week ago

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Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, January 29- End of 2nd quarter teacher workday, student holiday

2024-25 FCPS School Calendar

Kiss N Ride Procedures

Reminders! Please take note of procedures to keep our students safe and traffic moving as efficiently as possible. 

No Drop Off on Kirby
Students may not be dropped off on Kirby road, in front of the school or side streets. Parents are welcome to park and walk their child to the sidewalk using crosswalks.  Do not walk across the grass where buses are pulling in and out.

Kiss N Ride entrance and exit is a right turn only to keep traffic moving smoothly along Kirby road. Exit is also a right turn only.

During our  KISS AND RIDE times, 8:30 - 8:50 and 3:35 - 3:50, we ask that parents either use the pool parking lot to or a legal and safe U turn on Kirby road. U Turns are legal in areas where you can safely see oncoming traffic and usually at openings of other roads.  It is suggested you can make a Uturn most safely at our bus entrance area. Please do not UTurn on top of the cross walk area to keep this area safe for walkers.

Pickup is expedited with your name tag clearly visible.  The tag should have your last name written in large letters. If you need a tag, please complete this form and we will get one to you. This will help us quickly match up families walking to pick up or driving through Kiss N Ride.

Pencil Sales 

Student Ambassadors will be hosting the CES Pencil Sale on :  1/23, 1/24, 1/30, and 1/31.

The sales run from 8:30-8:45 AM and is held in the Cafeteria. Our Student Ambassadors sell novelty erasers, pencils, bookmarks, pens, and other fun items.

Prices range from $0.25 to $1.50. It is most appreciated if students bring loose change or small bills ($1 or $5 bills). Cash only.

If there is a two hour delay due to weather, the pencil sale is canceled for that morning. 

Funds raised during Pencil Sales go to help purchase items that our students use- recently, our funds helped to support a new water bottle filling station right outside the cafeteria.

Any questions, please contact Heather Lomelin, School Counselor, at [email protected].

Pick Up Patrol

As a reminder, Pick Up Patrol (PUP) should be used to report late arrival, full day absence, leave/return and early dismissal.  Here are instructions to help navigate PUP. 

A default transportation plan should be entered for each student.  Enter a plan change for specific date(s) if your student(s) will go home a different way than their default plan or doing an after school activity.  Plan changes can be entered for multiple dates.  

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

Winter weather is here! As a reminder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy time outdoors. Schools monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories that may prevent children from being outside for activities like recess or physical education. View Fairfax County’s Winter Weather/Extreme Cold safety tips

If you need assistance getting cold-weather clothing for your family, please contact our family liaison, Andrea Adamson at [email protected]. You may also contact Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP) at 703-222-0880. Their multilingual staff can assist with any challenges you are facing, including food, shelter, employment, financial assistance, and health care.

Save the Date TJ Techstgravaganza 2025

Techstravaganza is a free, public, hands-on STEM activity fair for elementary and middle school students in Northern Virginia. 

Admission is free.

Registration Link

More Info

FCPS Information

SR&R and Cell Phone Policy Survey Coming Soon

All FCPS families and middle and high school students will be receiving an email invitation on Tuesday, January 21, to participate in a survey about FCPS’ Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R), cell phone policy, and cell phone storage options. The survey will be available from January 21 to February 3. Please take a few moments to share your feedback and help FCPS make informed, inclusive decisions for all of our schools!

FCPS Cares

The FCPS CARES Program allows parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees who go above and beyond to help others and show they care about their students, colleagues, and the community.

We invite you to submit a story about a Chesterbrook staff member to acknowledge the great work of an FCPS employee or group of employees who should receive FCPS CARES recognition.

Information from the Parent Resource Center 

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

FCPS News In Case You Missed It

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Superintendent to Present Fiscal Year 2026 Proposed Budget 
  • Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration
  • SIS ParentVUE End of Quarter Closure

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

Chesterbrook Weekly Update 1.9.2025

GovDelivery2 months 2 weeks ago

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Principal's Message,

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely winter break and were able to celebrate this season and new year with loved ones.  

I love a good snow storm that shuts down the busyness of Northern Virginia. Coming off the end of the winter break was a bit different than I might usually prefer, but I savored the week and embraced the days while getting back to the office this week. I hope you were able to do the same but I know this is hard for kids to not be in school while you may have to work and also keep them occupied. I was happy to visit with some students who stopped by for a bit of play, which brought joy to my week. I certainly look forward to seeing our Chipmunks very soon!

As we return from break, we will be preparing our students for midyear assessments. These assessments for students will be important to mark student growth over the school year. In order for students to do their best in school it is important for them to arrive on time.  Arriving by 8:45 so they can be to morning meeting on time will help them have a great start to their day.

Our PTA meeting was rescheduled for next Thursday at 9:15 and I hope many of you can join us. I plan to share updates around safety that I have been working on with the county including Kirby Road traffic flow and our approval for a morning crossing guard. Years of work are finally yielding results but we still have a bit more to do. I am thankful for our wonderful PTA and the parents who have supported this work and shared their input.  

See you all soon, Mrs. Kirkpatrick

Upcoming Dates

January 13-17- FCPS Family Math Week (see information below)

Tuesday, January 14- Spelling Bee Written Test for those registered 3:30 PM

Thursday, January 16- PTA Meeting 9:15 (cafeteria) Rescheduled

Thursday, January 15:  Curriculum Night - Longfellow MS (Rising 7th Graders) 6-8PM (for parents and rising 7th grade students) see information below

Monday, January 20- Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday- no school

Wednesday, January 29- End of 2nd quarter teacher workday, student holiday

2024-25 FCPS School Calendar

Chesterbrook Cares

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the winter clothing drive for SHARE of McLean! Thanks to your generosity, we were able to donate 160 essential winter items to help children in the community stay warm and cozy during the chilly months ahead.

Longfellow MS Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night 

Chesterbrook 6th grade families are invited to the Rising 7th Grade Curriculum Night on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

This event will provide valuable information about Longfellow Middle School and the transition to middle school. Families will have the opportunity to hear from core and elective teachers as they highlight their engaging classes. Students and staff will also be available to answer any questions.

If inclement weather occurs, the event will be rescheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for FCPS’ Dual Language Immersion (DLI) program will open on Monday, January 13, 2025. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion program for the 2024-25 school year. 

Dual Language Immersion is available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting held at the school site. Visit the Dual Language Immersion Program Registration page for a list of meetings by language offered. 

Get more information on the DLI Program webpage and the DLI Program Registration webpage.

FCPS Math Week January13-17 

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. 

To learn more about Family Math Nights check out this video.

Comprehensive Boundary Review Update

The Superintendent’s Boundary Review Advisory Committee held its second meeting on December 16 at Gatehouse Administration Center. View key takeaways from that meeting and access the meeting agenda, slides, and other materials that committee members received.  If you did not get a chance to attend an in-person Community Boundary Review Meeting, please consider participating in one of the following virtual meetings:

  • Friday, January 10, 2025, 6-7:30 p.m. 
  • Thursday, January 16, 2025, 1-2:30 p.m. 
  • Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:30-11 a.m. 
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 
  • Monday, February 10, 2025, 6:30-8 p.m. 

Language interpretation will be available. 

Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpageto learn more.
Sign up for FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter as well.

Information from the Parent Resource Center 

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletteror visit their webinar webpage.

A Look Back at December

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

CES Weekly Update 12/20/24

GovDelivery3 months 1 week ago

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Principal's Message

It is hard to believe that it is already December and moving into winter break. I enjoyed welcoming parents for our parent coffee this week on literacy and realize some of you may have wanted to join us but the schedule does not always allow. Reading Specialist, Teresa Foeckler, was able to share information on our new instructional program and ways parents can support their child at home. Please find the materials from the session listed below.  

Chesterbrook Office Closure Over Break - The front office will be closed over the next two weeks as we will all take this time to be with our family and recharge over this winter break. If you have an urgent issue, please email me and I'll be checking email periodically throughout the break. 

It has been great to see so many parents in recent weeks to support field trips, events, enjoy our winter concert and help our students celebrate the upcoming winter break. Your support and volunteerism is what makes our school so special and helps our student thrive. The words of appreciation and notes from the students mean so very much to all of us. Thank you for your partnership and collaboration. Wishing each of our Chesterbrook staff and student families a blessed and joyful holiday. We will see you in the new year!


Stacy Kirkpatrick, Principal

Parent Coffee Information

Literacy Instruction and Family Resources 

Slides from Parent Coffee

Literacy Resources for Families 
Family-Facing Curriculum

Outstanding Employee Awards

We are grateful to those parents across our community who took time to nominate our amazing staff for recognition this year.  In our staff meeting last week, we were able to recognize staff and announce our school winners.  Please see all nominees below.

Chesterbrook Outstanding Employees 

Outstanding Operational Employee: Holley Remer, Office Assistant

Outstanding Teacher: Leanne Strubhar, Kindergarten Teacher

Outstanding New Teacher: Brandon Morris, Music

Outstanding Professional Employee:  Aleia Lee, SBTS

Outstanding Principal:  Stacy Kirkpatrick

Chesterbrook Nominations

Outstanding Operational Employee: Holley Remer, Office Assistant; Angel Malarin, Asst. Bldg. Supervisor, Mayra Quintanilla, Monitor; MJ Long, Instructional Assistant, Danny Le, Building Supervisor.

Outstanding Teacher: Leanne Strubhar, K; Taylor Hutchins, 2nd; Tiffany Hudler, 3rd; Carly King, 5th; Ethan Gaba, 6th; Courtney Kuduk, K; Lauren Leneave, 2nd; Stacy Wei, 1st; Ashely Schorr, Librarian.

Outstanding New Teacher: Brandon Morris, Music; Madison Russo, Special Education Teacher; Cassandra Moffitt, 1st grade.

Outstanding Professional Employee:  Aleia Lee, SBTS; Amy Vallath, AART; Heather Lomelin, School Counselor.

Outstanding School Based Leader:  Lara Macdonald, Assistant Principal
*Candidates must serve in their position one year before they can be a school based winner.  We were thrilled to receive multiple nominations for Ms. Macdonald.

Outstanding Principal:  Stacy Kirkpatrick

Important Upcoming Dates

December 23 - January 5 - Student Holiday/Winter Break

January 9th - PTA Meeting 9:15 AM in the Cafeteria

January 20 - Student Holiday/Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday

January 29 - Student Holiday/Teacher Workday

2024-25 FCPS School Calendar

District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:

  • Dual Language Immersion Lottery Registration
  • Be Among the First to Hear About Closings/Delays
  • Fall 2024 Sports Champions

🖥️ Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

CES Weekly Update 12/9/24

GovDelivery3 months 2 weeks ago

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Chesterbrook December Spirit Events Join us for a Parent Coffee: Tuesday, December 17th
9:15 AM

Literacy Instruction and Family Resources 

Please join our Reading Specialist, Teresa Foeckler, and our administrative team as we share information on our literacy resources and ways families can support their child's growth at home. We look forward to talking with our families and answer any questions you may have.

Attendance Matters: Attendance Report Cards

Our goal is to partner with families to minimize the number of days students are absent. Please review FCPS Attendance Policies and resources to encourage regular school attendance.

Attendance report cards will be emailed to parents this week to help communicate your child's attendance at this point in the year. We want to do all we can to support your child being in school regularly. Please reconsider vacations which extend over the days we are off, which increase the likelihood of Chronic Absenteeism which is required to be reported to the state. Students missing a total of 18 days for any reason are deemed chronically absent. Sick students should still stay home and we understand there can be extenuating circumstances.

Chesterbrook's school day officially begins at 8:50 AM and any child entering after 8:50 is marked tardy.  Please make every effort to have students arrive by 8:45 so they are on time for class.

Chesterbrook CARES Toy Drive Dec 2-17

Our Chesterbrook Student Ambassador Philanthropy Committee is organizing a toy drive to benefit Woodburn Elementary School in Annandale. Please consider donating new, unwrapped toys to support our neighbors in need. Toys will be collected in the office from December 2-17. Let’s teach our students the joy of giving and helping others this holiday season!

PTA News 

Sweet Treats for the Staff - Fri, Dec 20th
Sign Up Here

Please consider sharing homemade treats for our staff to participate in a cookie exchange and take home a holiday treat box of goodies. Keep in mind things that are easy to stack in a cookie box - cookies (obviously), brownies or bars (pre-cut please!), fudge, bark, wrapped caramels or chocolates, etc

Activity Registration on the PTA Website

Winter Before & After School Activities Registration

Chesterbrook Theatre Registration  

Spelling Bee Registration

Important Upcoming Dates

Dec 2 - 17 - Toy Drive supporting local elementary school 

Dec 10th - Winter Concerts for 5th and 6th
6 PM Chorus; 6:30 PM Band; 7 PM Strings

December 12th - 2nd Quarter Interims sent home

December 15- Deadline for submitting AAP full time referral forms- 2nd through 6th grades (late submissions will not be accepted by FCPS)
AAP Program Information; Contact Amy Vallath, AART, with Questions

Week of December 16th - 4-6th grades will participate in Family Life Education (FLE). More information on FLE including opt out information.

December 17th - Parent Coffee 9:15 Literacy and Family Resources

December 23 - January 5 - Student Holiday/Winter Break

January 9th - PTA Meeting 9:15 AM

2024-25 FCPS School Calendar

FCPS Family Resource Center Webinars/Course

Register for these upcoming webinars:

December 13: "Protecting Kids Against Digital Exploitation"

December 20: Youth Mental Health First Aid (In-person Course)

A Peek into Kindergarten

Student engagement was very high in Ms. Kuduk's class this past week as students learned about patterns in math. Eager student volunteers made a pattern for peers to clap and stomp out, a read aloud book, "Pitter Patterns," helped students understand the concept and then they completed a variety of stations to practice their skills. Way to go Kindergarten students! Every Day is a Chance to Grow!

1753 Kirby Road, McLean, VA 22101  |  Main Phone: 703.714.8200 
Attendance: 703.714.8282 | Web | Facebook

3 minutes 11 seconds ago
Chesterbrook Elementary School News and Announcements
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